Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Few Fun Facts

Thought you might enjoy a few numbers:

War Cost in 2008 Dollars*

Revolutionary War $1.8 billion
War of 1812 $1.2 billion
Mexican-American War $1.8 billion
Civil War: Union $45.2 billion
Civil War: Confederacy $15.2 billion
Spanish-American War $6.8 billion
World War I $253 billion
World War II $4.1 trillion
Korean War $320 billion
Vietnam War $686 billion
First Gulf War $96 billion
Iraq + Afghanistan $859 billion+* (ongoing)
LBJ's War on Poverty 1965-2000 $8.29 trillion†
Obama's 2010 Budget $3.6 trillion
Total Cost 2008 Bailouts $7.8 trillion§
Obama's Stimulus Package $3.7 trillion••
Obama's Modified 2009 Budget $3.94 trillion††
Obama's 2010 Budget $3.66 trillion††

*CRS Report for Congress

You do the math. Boy has that War on Poverty worked! What it really needs is...more money.

More numbers:

Length of Obama's 2010 Budget 141 pages§§
Stimulus addition to tax code 344 pages•••
US Tax Code 70,000+ pages†††
Length of Constitution 10 pages, 18 w/ amendments


If only the Constitution was worthy of  70,000+ pages, or at least 141 pages...


  1. My jaw has dropped. Makes those AIG bonuses seem like a drop in the bucket.

  2. Now if we could just get America to clue-in, maybe we could get somewhere . . .
